New Partnership Leads the Way in Solar Workforce Development

Enstall & Solar Energy International team up to create new curriculum for entry level solar jobs and support veterans through scholarships

Paonia, CO., April 16, 2024 — Enstall, a global leader in mounting and racking solutions, and Solar Energy International (SEI), a non-profit organization dedicated to solar energy education, have once again joined forces to strengthen the solar industry workforce. In March 2024, Enstall was awarded third place in Blackstone’s Give Back challenge, securing $75,000 in funds to partner with SEI to create a new curriculum for entry level solar jobs and provide scholarship opportunities for veterans looking to pursue a career in solar energy.

Enstall Empowers, Enstall’s Corporate Social Responsibility arm, will spearhead this partnership. Committed to creating a sustainable and equitable future for all, Enstall Empowers drives Enstall’s efforts in uplifting underserved communities through STEM education, professional development and clean energy access. This ongoing partnership is a testament to their shared commitment to empower individuals with the skills needed to succeed in the growing field of solar energy. By collaborating on innovative educational initiatives, they aim to bridge the gap between military service and civilian employment, while also addressing the pressing need for a skilled junior workforce in the solar industry.

We are proud to be partnering with SEI to offer more diverse opportunities and training programs. The renewable energy industry is growing at a rapid pace, and if we want to build an equitable and just workforce, we believe profit and nonprofit collaboration is key.” said Vera Vos, Founder of Enstall Empowers.

Enstall and SEI will work together to develop a comprehensive curriculum that prepares workers for entry level jobs in the solar industry. Additionally, SEI will offer scholarships to veterans seeking to further their education in solar energy, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to pursuing a career in this field.

“We are honored to collaborate with Enstall to expand opportunities for both career seekers and veterans looking to get into the solar industry,” said Chris Turek, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development at SEI. “By combining our expertise and Enstall’s resources to develop and update industry aligned career focused curriculum, we can create pathways to rewarding careers in a rapidly growing clean energy sector that is vital for our planet’s future.”

The ongoing collaboration between Enstall and SEI demonstrates how backing a nonprofit mission can ensure equitable access to renewable energy careers. This support enables the creation of scholarship programs, development of new curricula, and provision of industry support, all contributing to a more sustainable future for everyone.

If you are a U.S. veteran interested in scholarship funding for you SEI training, click here.


For more information about Enstall visit

For more information about Solar Energy International, please visit

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Alumni Highlight: Upskilling Can Turn Dreams Into Reality

At SEI, we are privileged to train a diverse group of solar learners annually, each with varying levels of knowledge. While some students seek solar education to break into the industry, we also work with professionals already in the field who are eager to enhance their expertise. One such learner is Thomas Nielson, a Utah resident with a background in physics, who has spent his time in solar as a PV designer.

Wanting to take his knowledge to new heights, Thomas decided to pursue NABCEP certification through SEI’s training program in 2022. He was awarded financial assistance through a scholarship to cover tuition fees for enrollment in SEI’s NABCEP PV Associates online training package, enabling him to grow exponentially in his command of solar. “Receiving this scholarship has accelerated my progress towards a NABCEP credential and helped fill in knowledge gaps that I didn’t even know I had. This has been immensely valuable for me as a PV designer since I am better able to make decisions to accommodate the installation crews as well as the sales department to ensure customers receive the best system possible. I intend to continue taking SEI courses in pursuit of a NABCEP design professional credential and most likely the installation credential after that,” Nielson said in an interview.

But for Thomas, it doesn’t just stop there. His ultimate goal is to design commercial solar in the near future. “I hope to make the transition to commercial within the next 2 years, then after 3-4 years, I would likely pursue a position as a project engineer or work on utility-scale projects,” Thomas said. Witnessing the tenacity Thomas has leaves no doubt that he will achieve his goals in the days ahead.

When asked about his motivation for joining the solar industry, Thomas shared: “I was drawn to the solar industry because I wanted to build a career working on something meaningful. As an avid outdoorsman, the importance of slowing climate change and protecting the environment cannot be overstated.” Partnering with SEI for training and support, Thomas has taken a significant step towards achieving his goals while also contributing to the fight against climate change. SEI is dedicated to helping individuals in the solar industry enhance their expertise and capabilities, turning solar aspirations into a tangible reality.

Looking to upskill your knowledge and make your dreams a reality? Check out SEI’s training here.

Johnny Weiss Receives the NABCEP Walt Ratterman Award: Honoring Humanitarian Efforts in Renewable Energy

Solar Energy International (SEI) is proud to announce that our co-founder and board member, Johnny Weiss, has been awarded the prestigious NABCEP Walt Ratterman Award in recognition of his outstanding humanitarian solar work.

The award is named after solar energy pioneer Walt Ratterman. He tragically lost his life in 2010 while on a humanitarian mission in Haiti. It is awarded to individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment to using renewable energy to improve the lives of people in need.

Johnny Weiss is a true visionary in the field of renewable energy education. He has been a driving force behind SEI’s mission to empower people around the world through solar technology education and training. His passion for bringing clean and sustainable energy solutions to underserved communities reflects the reach of SEI’s international programs, which have impacted thousands of lives worldwide.

In association with his work with SEI, Johnny is involved in numerous humanitarian projects, including providing solar power to off-grid schools, health clinics, and community centers in remote locations throughout Maasailand Tanzania. He works in partnership with the NGO Rural Community Support Organization. Additionally, he has helped to strengthen and expand solar infrastructure at Red Cloud Renewable and other Native American communities.

While Johnny was unable to receive the award in person at 2024’s NABCEP CE Conference, his virtual acceptance speech can be found here.

Johnny’s commitment to using renewable energy to enable sustainable development and improve the quality of life for people in need is inspiring and deserving of the Walt Ratterman Award.

We are incredibly proud to have Johnny’s involvement in SEI, and congratulate him on this well-deserved recognition. His tireless efforts to bring renewable energy solutions to those who need them most have made a profound impact on countless lives, and we look forward to being inspired by his continuing to work in our shared mission of creating a more sustainable and equitable world for all.

To help support Johnny’s work, please make a donation via this SEI link.

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Join SEI for free COSSA conference training on February 27th, 2024

COSSA’s Solar Power and Energy Storage Mountain West conference is coming up soon and SEI will be attending, bringing some NABCEP-certified trainings with us. Conference attendees can join us on February 27th for the following free training:

  • 2023 NEC® Changes Affecting PV and Energy Storage System
  • PV + Storage Configurations for Non-fixed Rate Tariffs and Resiliency
  • I-V Curves and Diodes Demystified
  • Thermography and PV Systems

Join industry professionals in the mile high city to explore unique political developments, innovations, and opportunities in the Mountain West region. Gain insights from expert panels on complex topics facing your business and accelerate your success.

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Register for the 2024 NABCEP CE Conference

Will we be seeing you at this year’s NABCEP conference? The advanced-level content presented at the annual NABCEP CE Conference is geared toward PV industry professionals who have experience with PV installation, solar + storage, technical sales, design, O&M, or system inspection. This is the only industry event that allows NABCEP Board Certified Professionals to obtain as many as 20.5 hours of continuing education units needed to recertify. PV Associates can obtain 12 continuing education units needed to renew. Non-certified renewable energy professionals seeking to advance their career can earn up to 18 hours towards becoming NABCEP Board Certified by attending the CE Conference.

SEI Conference Training

PV System Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
Proper O&M is crucial for PV systems to operate safely, meet performance expectations, and generate financial returns. Working as an O&M service provider or technician is a smart decision with a continuous flow of work due to the increasing number of systems and aging fleet. This class is beneficial for anyone involved in operating PV systems, covering key tasks like inspections, maintenance, analysis, and troubleshooting. We will also explore the tools used, such as meters, testers, curve tracers, and infrared cameras. The class covers grid-direct PV systems of all sizes, excluding battery maintenance and medium voltage-specific tasks.

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How Inverters Work: A Guide to Understanding Power Inversion

Discover the inner workings of power inversion and how inverters play a crucial role in converting DC to AC power.

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The Basics of Power Inversion

Power inversion is the process of converting direct current (DC) power into alternating current (AC) power. This is necessary because most electronic devices and appliances in our homes and businesses run on AC power. In almost all solar PV systems, inverters are used to convert the DC power generated by the solar panels into AC power that can be used to power everyday items or fed back into the grid.

Inverters work by using electronic circuits to switch the direction of the current, creating an alternating flow of electricity. They also adjust the voltage and frequency of the AC power to match the requirements of connected devices, which is important because different devices may require different voltage levels and frequencies to operate correctly.

Power inversion is a crucial aspect in solar energy systems as it allows us to harness the power of the sun and use it to energize our homes and businesses. Without inverters, the DC power generated by solar panels would be unusable for most applications.

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Inverter Functionality

Inverters have several important functions that enable them to convert DC power to AC power efficiently.

Waveform Generation
One key function is waveform generation. Inverters can produce different waveforms such as sine wave, square wave, or modified sine wave. Sine wave inverters are the most common as they produce a smooth and clean waveform similar to the power supplied by utility companies. Square wave and modified sine wave inverters are cheaper but may not be suitable for sensitive electronics.

Voltage Regulation
Another important purpose inverters serve is regulating voltage. Inverters can regulate the output voltage to ensure that it remains within a specific range, regardless of the variations in input voltage or load. This is essential for protecting connected devices from voltage fluctuations and ensuring their proper operation.

Protection Features
Inverters also have built-in protection features such as overload protection, short-circuit protection, and over-temperature protection. These safety mechanisms help to prevent damage to the inverter and connected devices in case of any electrical faults or abnormal conditions.

Grid Synchronization
Additionally, some inverters have advanced features like grid-tie capability, which allows them to synchronize with the utility grid and feed excess power back into the grid. This feature enables solar system owners to earn credits for the excess electricity they produce and reduce their reliance on the grid.

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Types of Inverters

There are several types of inverters available for different applications. The most common types include string inverters, microinverters, and central inverters.

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String Inverters
String inverters are a popular type of inverter commonly used in residential and small commercial solar installations. They are connected to multiple solar panels in series, forming a string, and convert the DC power generated by the entire string into AC power.

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Microinverters, on the other hand, are installed on each individual solar panel in a system. They convert the DC power generated by each panel into AC power independently. Microinverters offer advantages such as panel-level monitoring, improved efficiency, and increased system flexibility.

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Central inverters
Also known as large or utility-scale inverters, central inverters are used in large-scale solar installations. These inverters are capable of converting the DC power generated by hundreds or even thousands of solar panels into AC power. Central inverters are often more efficient and cost-effective for larger installations.

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Each type of inverter has its own advantages and considerations, and the choice depends on factors such as system size, budget, performance requirements, and installation constraints.

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Inverter Integration in Battery-Based Solar Systems

In battery-based solar systems, inverters play a crucial role in managing the flow of power between the solar panels, batteries, and loads. They ensure that the batteries are charged efficiently from the solar panels and supply power to the loads when needed.

When the solar panels generate excess power that is not immediately consumed by the loads, the inverter redirects it to charge the batteries. This stored energy can then be used during periods of low solar generation or high energy demand. The inverter also controls the charging and discharging of the batteries to maximize their lifespan and performance.

During times when the solar panels are not generating enough power to meet the demand, the inverter can draw power from the batteries to supplement the shortfall. This ensures a continuous and reliable power supply to the loads, even when the sun is not shining.

The integration of inverters in battery-based solar systems requires careful configuration and sizing to ensure optimal performance and compatibility between the various components. It is important to consider factors such as the capacity of the batteries, the maximum power output of the solar panels, and the power requirements of the connected loads.

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Choosing the Right Inverter

Choosing the right inverter for a solar system involves several factors.

Inverter Use
One of the key considerations is how the inverter will be used and its relationship to the other components in the system. What are we looking to accomplish and how will it all work together?

Power Rating
The next key factor to consider is the power rating of the inverter. It should be matched with the maximum power output of the solar panels to ensure efficient operation.

Inverter Efficiency
Another important factor is the inverter’s efficiency. Higher efficiency inverters can convert a greater percentage of the DC power into usable AC power, resulting in higher overall system efficiency. This can translate into greater energy savings and a shorter payback period.

Inverter Waveform
The type of inverter waveform is also crucial, especially if you have sensitive electronics or appliances. Sine wave inverters are recommended for powering sensitive devices as they provide a clean and stable power supply.

Cost and budget constraints should certainly be taken into account. While it may be tempting to opt for a cheaper inverter, it is important to strike a balance between cost and quality to ensure a reliable and long-lasting solar system.

Additional Considerations
Lastly, it is important to consider the inverter’s warranty, reliability, and compatibility with other system components. Some inverters may come with extended warranties and advanced monitoring features that can provide valuable insights into the system’s performance.

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Dive Deeper Into Inverters & Solar Design!

Join 100k+ students who have mastered efficient solar design with SEI. Start (or continue) your solar journey today and gain the skills you need.

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Maximizing PV Module Efficiency: Tips and Tricks

Uncover key factors that impact the performance of PV modules and learn useful techniques to optimize their efficiency.

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i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-1{ color: #000000;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-1:hover { color: #ffffff;}Temperature Affects Efficiency

Temperature plays a crucial role in the efficiency of PV modules. High temperatures can negatively impact the performance of solar panels, reducing their efficiency and power output. When the temperature of the PV module increases, the electrical resistance of the cells also increases, leading to a decrease in the overall efficiency. It is essential to understand this impact and take measures to mitigate the effects of high temperatures.

One way to address the issue is by incorporating proper ventilation and cooling systems for modules. This helps to dissipate the excess heat and maintain a lower temperature, thereby improving (or at least maintaining) the efficiency of the modules. Additionally, choosing PV modules with better temperature coefficients can also help minimize the performance degradation caused by high temperatures. By optimizing temperature conditions, you can maximize the efficiency and power output of your PV modules, resulting in a more efficient and powerful system.

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i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-2{ color: #000000;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-2:hover { color: #ffffff;}Irradiance Levels Matter

Irradiance, or the level of solar radiation, is another crucial factor that affects the performance of PV modules. Higher levels of irradiance generally result in increased power output from solar panels, so it’s important to optimize the irradiance levels to ensure maximum efficiency. To optimize irradiance levels, proper tilt and orientation of the PV modules need to be considered. Aligning the modules to face the sun directly and adjusting their tilt angle according to the geographical location can help maximize the amount of energy captured from sunlight. Additionally, removing any obstructions such as trees or buildings that might cast shadows on the PV modules can also improve their performance. Regularly monitoring and adjusting the tilt angle and orientation of the modules based on seasonal changes can further enhance the overall efficiency of any system.

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i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-3{ color: #000000;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-3:hover { color: #ffffff;}Choose the Proper Module Design

Selecting the right PV module design is crucial for achieving maximum efficiency. Different types of PV modules, such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline, and thin-film, have varying efficiencies and performance characteristics. Understanding the specific requirements and conditions of your solar installation can help you choose the most suitable PV module design.

For instance, mono-crystalline PV modules are known for their high efficiency and better performance in limited space, making them ideal for rooftop installations. On the other hand, polycrystalline PV modules are more cost-effective and perform well in larger installations with ample sunlight. Thin-film PV modules offer flexibility and can be used in various applications, but they generally have lower efficiencies compared to crystalline silicon modules. By selecting the right PV module design based on your specific needs, you can maximize the overall performance of the solar system.

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i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-4{ color: #000000;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-4:hover { color: #ffffff;}Implement Maintenance Strategies

Regular maintenance is essential for preserving the efficiency of PV modules and ensuring their long-term performance. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate on the surface of  panels, reducing their ability to capture sunlight and generate electricity. Regular cleaning of PV modules is necessary to maintain optimal performance. In addition to cleaning, it is important to inspect PV modules for any signs of damage or degradation. Checking for loose connections, cracked cells, and other issues can help identify and address potential problems early on. Implementing preventive maintenance measures, such as regular inspections and cleaning schedules, can help preserve the efficiency and extend the lifespan of PV modules.

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i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-5{ color: #000000;}i.fb-icon-element.fontawesome-icon.fb-icon-element-5:hover { color: #ffffff;}Lean Into Innovations

Advancements in technology have paved the way for various innovations that can significantly improve the efficiency of PV modules. One such innovation is the use of anti-reflective coatings on the surface of solar panels. These coatings help minimize reflection and enhance light absorption, leading to increased power output. Another bit of tech that can improve efficiency is the use of bypass diodes. Bypass diodes are integrated into the solar panel circuitry and help mitigate the effects of shading or partial module failure. By allowing the current to bypass the shaded or faulty cells, bypass diodes prevent power losses and ensure maximum efficiency.

While it probably goes without being said, using solar charge controllers with maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms can optimize the power output of PV modules by continuously tracking and adjusting the operating point to the maximum power point. MPPT technology ensures that the solar panels operate at their best regardless of varying environmental conditions. By utilizing these advanced technologies and innovations, you can further enhance the efficiency and performance of a PV system, maximizing the energy output of your solar system.

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Dive Deeper Into Solar Design and Efficiency!

Join 80k+ students who have mastered efficient solar design with SEI. Start (or continue) your solar journey today and gain the skills you need.

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Alumni Highlight (in her own words): Dinille Gonzalez

“6 months ago, I received news that I had been awarded a full scholarship to attend a hands-on solar energy course in the beautiful state of Colorado. While I’ll delve into the details of the scholarship in a future post, today, I want to share the invaluable life lessons it has etched in my journey.

Back in high school, I didn’t secure a scholarship at the CSEC level, and I resigned myself to the idea that winning any scholarship was beyond the reach of someone like me—just an ordinary person. I believed that scholarships were reserved for the exceptionally intelligent or those with extraordinary circumstances.

However, when I enrolled in the Grid-Direct Women’s Solar Electric Lab Week offered by Solar Energy International (SEI), I decided to take a chance on myself. I had nothing to lose, and if I didn’t succeed, it would remain my secret. But then it happened—I received the scholarship. It might have come much later in life than what society considers the ‘prime’ age for such achievements, but it was my time.

I share this with you to inspire the belief in your own capabilities, to encourage you to bet on yourself, and to remind you that your prime is not a fleeting moment of the past.

On LinkedIn, we’re often inundated with the achievements of others, making it easy to doubt our own potential for success. Yet, life is a continuous process of grooming and molding, preparing us for the next level. Your time is not behind you; it’s still ahead, waiting for you to seize it. Believe in yourself, embrace your journey, and know that success can come when you least expect it.”

Originally posted on LinkedIn by Dinelle Gonzalez, SEI Alumni

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SEI is Providing Solar Training at RE+ 2023

Join us at this year’s RE+ Conference in Las Vegas, NV from September 11th-14th! Many of SEI’s talented team members will be in attendance, delivering impactful training sessions and sharing their expertise. This is a unique opportunity to connect with top-notch professionals and vendors in the North American solar industry. You’ll gain valuable insights that will take you to the next level, and get an exclusive sneak peek at the latest products and services in the industry. Check out the exciting training sessions we have lined up for you at the conference:

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Paid Training on September 11, 2023

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Megawatt-Scale PV: Design Considerations and Case Studies
6.5 contact hours

This advanced course provides an in-depth look into the design process and considerations for grid-connected megawatt-scale PV systems, with an emphasis on ground-mounted systems. The first half of the course will discuss the design process from pre-project planning to best practices in installation, quality control, and commissioning. The second half of the course will use project case studies to highlight design considerations and choices for a variety of system configurations. This course will be taught by instructors with real project experience in developing, designing, installing, and commissioning megawatt-scale PV systems, so come take advantage!

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PV System Operations and Maintenance (O&M)
6.5 contact hours

As the solar PV industry grows and existing systems continue to age, the operations and maintenance (O&M) of PV systems has become a field unto itself. This course is for the field technician who will perform O&M duties, and for those in operations or asset management who want to know the nitty gritty details of keeping a PV system at peak performance. You will become familiar with a range of O&M tasks, including inspections and preventive maintenance, performance analysis, and troubleshooting. We will discuss advanced analytical tools, meters, and techniques – such as insulation resistance testers, I-V curve tracers, and infrared cameras. The course covers all sizes of grid-direct PV systems including residential, commercial, and large-scale systems, but will not cover battery maintenance or medium voltage-specific O&M tasks.

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Free Show Floor Training

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I-V Curves and Diodes Demystified

I-V curves are the basic graphical representation of performance of PV cells, modules and strings, and they have a lot to tell; PV cells themselves are essentially diodes combined with a photocurrent source; and bypass diodes are fundamental components in silicon PV modules. In this presentation we will discuss I-V curves, how they aggregate, and what different curve shapes indicate, including proper operation – and failures of – bypass diodes. Become a better solar professional by learning how to “think like a PV module” through an understanding of I-V curves and diodes.

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PV Installation Best Practices

The good, the bad, and the ugly: gain insight on how to do it right, save on installation time and labor, and avoid unnecessary call-backs and red-tags from your AHJ or utility. A fun-filled presentation on residential, commercial, and utility-scale PV systems that will make you groan, gasp, and, at the same time, have some “a-ha” moments.

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2023 NEC® Changes Affecting PV and Energy Storage Systems

Join a voting member of Code Making Panel 4 for a discussion of changes in the 2023 NEC®. Regardless of the version of the National Electrical Code enforced in your jurisdiction, the Code drives industry-wide best practices and product development cycles of manufacturers; it is critical for installers, designers, manufacturers, engineers, developers, and building officials to stay current. This presentation will focus on critical updates and changes that impact PV system design and installation for all types of applications – including energy storage systems – ranging from off-grid, to interactive PV systems on buildings, up to utility-scale solar farms. 

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PV System O&M: Tools and Techniques

This presentation highlights the theory behind – and safe and practical use of – field tools, equipment, and testing procedures for operation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of PV systems, including devices such as I-V curve tracers, thermal cameras, specialized PV tools, insulation resistance testers, and more. Additionally, relevant standards and codes that apply to these activities will be discussed.

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Battery Safety and Maintenance

Batteries store energy that is produced by a PV array so that it can be used when the sun isn’t shining, or for when high demand loads kick on. Working with and installing battery systems – including Lithium batteries – can be dangerous if you don’t know what you are doing or don’t have the correct equipment. Learn common hazards that are encountered when installing and maintaining battery banks.

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PV + Storage Configurations for Non-fixed Rate Tariffs and Resiliency

Changes to utility tariffs and several high-profile grid outages in recent years are dramatically increasing demand for residential, commercial, and industrial PV systems with energy storage that can provide both economic and resiliency benefits. In this presentation we will start with the basics of how solar, storage, and the grid interact to set us up to explore different system architectures that can address various utility tariff structures and backup power needs.

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A Look at Lithium-ion Battery Types and Considerations

Lithium-ion battery technologies are advancing rapidly as their cost is dropping almost as quickly. In this presentation we’ll review some of the common factors that need to be considered when comparing different types of lithium-ion batteries including some nuances of the technology. We’ll finish by looking at the advantages and disadvantages of the most common types of lithium-ion batteries used with PV systems.

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Commercial Interconnection Options

Are you an experienced residential PV system designer, installer, project manager, or electrician looking to move into larger-scale systems? This presentation will introduce some of the important concepts you’ll need to understand in order to successfully design and interconnect PV systems to a three-phase utility grid. We will review the most common three-phase utility configurations and cover what information is needed from a site in order to be able to complete a commercial system design. We will also look at different examples of commercial switchboards, and discuss methods for how and where to interconnect a PV system on larger commercial sites. 

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Thermography and PV Systems

Both handheld and aerial thermography play large roles in PV system operations and maintenance (O&M), including preventative and reactive applications. So much can be easily – and quickly – learned about issues with PV arrays via aerial thermography, whether drone-based or fixed wing (of course it still takes on-site personnel to do anything about it!). And a thermal camera in hand is critical to verifying the integrity of electrical terminations and other equipment – plus they make a great troubleshooting tool. See why IR cameras have become the “go-to” tool for many PV system O&M activities.

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Worker Safety! NFPA 70E

Most of us are familiar with the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70), but did you know this document is part of a trilogy of standards – intended to be used together – to ensure maximum safety for electrical installations? In this one-hour course focused on worker safety, we will look into a different and perhaps lesser known part of this trio: the Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA 70E). Using this standard as our guide, we will discuss how to identify and assess electrical hazards and risks, and we will review the “Hierarchy of Risk Control Methods” to understand different strategies for hazard risk reduction. We will also review lockout-tagout principles, shock and arc flash boundaries, and we’ll discuss how to select the right PPE for the task at hand. There are many strategies and opportunities for reducing hazards and maintaining a safe working environment for employees, and understanding NFPA 70E is the key to creating safe working areas. 

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SEI Joins Forces with Amicus O&M Cooperative for 1.5 Million Grant Project

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) Fiscal Year 2022 Advancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships has created a $13.5 million funding program for the development of collaborative workforce programs. The program facilitates the rapid deployment of solar energy technologies while supporting an inclusive workforce. This work, partly funded by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, will enable more members of disadvantaged communities and energy justice populations to pursue careers in the solar energy industry. The Department of Energy announced the selection of 12 projects on June 13, 2023. The projects in this funding program are demand-driven, worker-centric, leverage existing infrastructure and resources, are sustainable and replicable, and prioritize energy justice issues.

Solar Energy International (SEI) will play a fundamental role in one of the selected projects presented by Amicus O&M Cooperative. The project will expand training and certification tracks for solar operations and maintenance (O&M) professionals in partnership with North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), Independent Electrical Contractors Rocky Mountain (IECRM), Entity Academy, and Black Owners of Solar Services (BOSS). Working with a breadth of industry stakeholders, the project will standardize O&M technician competency frameworks; establish training program standards; build an expanded O&M training program; and create a pipeline of workers from disadvantaged communities. The end result will be to place newly trained workers in jobs and increase equity, safety, and professional quality in the solar O&M workforce.

According to the 2022 U.S. Energy and Employment Report, the solar industry employs over 330,000 people and added 17,200 new jobs in 2021. The report also found that while the solar industry is more diverse than some other energy industries, the overall energy workforce lags in Hispanic (17%), Black (8%), and Indigenous worker (1%) representation. With solar power potentially contributing up to one third of the U.S. electricity supply, there is a need for more equity and inclusivity in the industry. DOE is working to ensure that the solar workforce of the future is equitable, inclusive, and benefits all Americans, particularly disadvantaged communities.

SEI’s Business Development Director for the Hispanic and Latin American Program, María Pía Day, was interviewed by The Weather Channel to talk about this project and the need to generate equitable access to education for a more diverse population in the solar industry, specifically Spanish speakers in the US. Watch the interview below (make sure to turn on english subtitles):



About the Solar Energy Technologies Office

The U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office accelerates the advancement and deployment of solar technology in support of an equitable transition to a decarbonized economy. Learn more at

About Amicus O&M Cooperative

Amicus O&M Cooperative is a community of solar operations and maintenance (O&M) providers across North America. Through a set of tools/templates/software, extensive knowledge sharing, and a training program for O&M professionals, the cooperative supports its member companies in offering safe, efficient, standardized services.

About SEI

SEI empowers students, alumni, and partners to expand a diverse, inclusive, well-trained and educated solar workforce. Our aim is to mitigate climate change, promote sustainable economic growth, and support energy independence.